The boys and Dan just love to ski. I, sadly, do not love it.
I am a water, beach, warm weather girl.
I used to enjoy skiing, but took about a 10 year break from going, and haven't enjoyed it since. Since my boys and husband do, it is something I want to work on.
We took Brighton to ski school, and he did fantastic!
I think he looks adorable on his little skis just zooming past us.
I loved hearing about his day every afternoon, and he was thrilled about the jello with whipped cream and the hot chocolate they served him!
Dan and Tristin stayed out all day. They had so much fun, and I think Tristin really adores having dad all to himself! (I stayed in with Jaiden and found Waldo, read, watched movies, and went swimming.)
He even worked on his own tricks!
We had a fine time. We went before spring break and it was really easy going there.