Monday, July 11, 2011

A Nice and Slow Sunday

We try to prepare for Sunday early. Maybe on Thursday. I think of what we will wear. Is it clean? What will we eat?  Some Sundays we stop at a small local diner behind our house. A favorite of ours, they know us there.

Yesterday we wake to clean laid out clothes and showered the night before boys. We head to church to serve and then to worship. I feel absolutely blessed. After, we chose the diner and take it home to eat together and watch a family movie.

We then head out in the heat of the afternoon for our annual water fight. We slip on swim suits, load water guns, and fill a bucket full of water balloons. It's on!




After all that we head out to the park to meet up with others have praise and worship in the cool of a summer evening. We don't know the others there but soon meet most of them. We had a lovely time.




392.nothing but family time
393.praising with those we don't know. But HE does.
394.a beautiful summer evening
395.a shy boy who eagerly answered a question at church "because one seemed to know"
396.seeing him love his brother again. a prayerful plea from a mother who longs for a restored bond.
397.a line of swim trunks hanging to dry
398.a broken dryer...using a clothes line and seeing whites sheets blowing in the breeze
399.volleyball in the park



Cherry Warrick said...

It was fun to read your list of summer fun ... enjoy those boys; they grow up fast! Thanks for visiting me at my Pursuing Heart blog ...

Melinda said...

Hi Jenna. I love your list and all the boy fun. I'm the only girl over here with all these (big and little) men too. Your pictures are beautiful! I stopped over from A Holy Experience and just wanted to say hi. It's nice to meet you.


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