Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Outside My Window


It sure is pretty. Especially when we have nowhere to go.


As pretty as it is, I'm loving these touches that let's me know Spring will come.



Anonymous said...

I love the snow! It's so peaceful as long as you have power, food and nowhere to go! Nothing like curling up with a good book on a snowy day!

I saw your comment on Clover Lane on the 40 Bags post, I love Sarah's 40 Bags idea and I NEED to do it! I am hosting a link-up on my blog. Normally, I would not ever copy someone's idea, but since Sarah is not doing it, I asked her if she would mind. Please feel free to stop by and link-up your blog. Doesn't have to be a particular post--maybe we can all offer each other encouragement to keep filling those bags and decluttering!

Heather said...

Snow is so very necessary when it's cold! It makes the cold bearable, I think! Love your spring flowers though. I'm looking forward to strolling up and down the nursery aisles again :)


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