Monday, March 29, 2010

A Thankful Heart

I am starting a journey to take note and be still in gratitude. Listing 1000 things I'm greatful for. Finding God in everything! . I will start today.

1. the two times the phone rang today and it was my husband just saying hi

2. getting to spend my days and my life with our children

3. The Cross, for without it there would be no hope

4. the smell of freshly baked bread lingering in our home

5. waking up to a promised sunrise

6. a little boy with harldy any words, asking to play outside and to read him a book.

7. a book called My Brother Charlie, that will show my children that others have brothers just like theirs and that we "Love him strong, and watch him with the might of angels"

8. the nameless woman who annointed our Savior's head before He was crucified

9. our 5 yr old eagerly coming up with ways to encourage and show his brothers he loves them....and watching him do it

10. the way the words "fix those eyebrows" can turn a frown upside down in a two yr old boy

11. an afternoon with my family working in the yard. taking care of all He has given us

12. making a glass of tea for my hard working man

holy experience

1 comment:

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

Awesome! I try to find everyday blessing in ALL things, for I know HE will use ALL things for GOOD! ~Blessings!


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