Monday, March 7, 2011

Compassion Week

We're kicking off Compassion Week again this week. I've posted about what we do a few months ago, but this week I thought we might just add a few things this time around.

We will be talking about what compassion is: caring about others, showing concern, helping and giving, listening and being patient, being able to recognize when someone is hurting.

Talk about compassionate people we know.

Create a compassion board. A list of words we think describe compassion.

Talk about what empathy is: understanding how someone feels. How would it feel to be them?

Talk about times it's hard to be compassionate, forgiveness, and saying I'm sorry.  

Ways to be compassionate daily: help brothers, prayer, chores without being asked.

Ways to show compassion in the community and the world.

Reading books. In a ton of books someone some how is showing compassion. We just used books right from our own little library. For example: Madeline. They show compassion for the man who hurt his leg. Her teacher showed compassion by helping and showing concern when she was sick. The dr. showed compassion by keeping her safe and warm. Her friends showed compassion by crying for her, visiting her, and bringing her flowers.

And some more examples: 

In Ping: we see the little boy having compassion for Ping. So his family doesn't eat him for dinner, he lets him escape

Horton Hears A Who: "A person is a person no matter how small"

Charlotte's Web: A small spider has compassion on her new friend, and helps him so that he isn't killed.


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