Monday, August 13, 2012

His Perfect Power

Waking up to that of which is life. after slowly having that feeling that everything is caving in around me. Yes, His grace is sufficient for me, for His power is made perfect in weakness.

If praise through a storm can do anything at all, it shows His perfect power.

481. this breath..and this one..
482. a happy boy
483. a friend's first picture of her healthy baby
484. my husband's arms wrapped around me
485. homeschooling these precious kids of's a gift everyday.
486. having a hard time finding my place..realizing if you are His, you will never quite find that here.
487. my first photo shoot
488. freshly sharpened robot pencils for a preschooler and a 2nd grader
489. cupcakes to welcome a new school year
490. cooking wonderful meals for my meals
491. thrifty finds
492. making pizza for my pizza loving 10 year old
493. again, a happy boy, because I can never be too thankful for this
494. a boy begging to do science. studying God's creation.
495. a great first day of school!

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.


Unknown said...

Lovely 494, 495...such a blessing to have boys excited about school! Thanks for stopping by our Adventure with Boys!

Richelle Wright said...

i've enjoyed browsing around your place - lovely home and your home school set up is very nice. i tried doing the whole "classroom" routine, but we do much better when school isn't confined to the classroom, but spills out into all of life.

thanks for stopping by and for your comment.



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