123. weekend napping, when all is still
124. finding a huge set of Fisher Price Little People and garage and shops (very dirty) at a yard sale for $2. my boys have been playing with this set from the 80's for hours at a time
125. the power of prayer on your knees
126. reading an old favorite
127. teaching our boys to swim
128. camp food and smores
129. date night
130. getting home school stuff ready!
131. the amazon packages full of curriculum and books waiting on the doorsteps
132. God given inspiration to be the best I can for all of my boys, but especially the one with autism, and to make his story better
133. finding rest
134. summer storms
135. clean sheets
136. summer breeze

This is a great list! Weekend napping and vintage little people ... love!
It really is the little things, isn't it?
Best Wishes!
First of all, beautiful photos!
Second, I LOVE Little People sets -- especially the old ones. What a great find to be thankful for.
Reading an old favorite, smores, date night, preparing for school . . . all things I love.
Thanks for giving thanks with me at Sugar Tails (representing both sugar and spice and snails and tails). :)
Great list. I think I'm going to dig out my Little people collection and give it to the kids. I forgot I had those.
oh, don't you LOVE yard sales? you're such an adoring mom. i learn from you. xo
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