Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our School Days

It's been a while since I posted about our school days, and what we've been up to. We have had a wonderful month of school! Kind of strange, but almost every single day has gone smoothly.

We have been doing a ton of reading. Tibby is doing so well. It is starting to click with him, and he is actually enjoying it! We are also using Explode the Code daily, as well as other sight word games and writing practice.. We love those workbooks. Our chapter book this month is The Boxcar Children.
Jaiden has been going to school, and when he gets home he has his down time, and we do 20 minute computer based reading program, and reading books and lesson.

We are continuing through The Story of the World for History. It is a wonderful book. We have learned so much!

Brighton is finishing up the letter K. We have done many activities with the letter K that include kites, kangaroos, and keys. He seems to be adjusting to his new school routine prety well. He has also been working on the numbers 1-3.




Our number scavenger hunt:


Making his age with playdough:


We are learning all about plants. How they work. How they're good for us by producing oxygen and how we help them by giving carbon dioxide. God sure knows what He's doing! Tristin loved that water is called H2O, and asked daddy for some H2O...just to see if he knew what it was! We also created a terrarium for our science project.

We've been doing these Bible Studies every morning, and I just LOVE them. Our boys are really soaking it all up. Wonderful for character building!

We learned about MLK Jr. Tibby, just fell in love with his story. He realized that he was a strong man, and that he may not be here today if it wasnt' for King's courage to stand up for what was right. I could hear Tibby reading the books about him to his brothers. He was intrigued.


We've been doing different math games, and are gearing up to buy a math curriculum soon. Tristin can add and subtract in his head, and is learning fractions, and money.

Our theme at the begining of the month was snow. And boy, did we have fun with that!

Our sensory tub filled with cotton balls, blue and white jewels, and penguins and a  polar bear.


Placing things under, above, and beside the ploar bear. A great chance to learn about Northern Lights.


Number practice. Two snowman made out of peppermint "snow" playdough.


Art projects. Clean and messy!




Tibby has been practicing his cooking and food phography thanks to Ratatoulle and Pioneer Woman's Food Photography challenge ;)


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