Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Daring to Count


Remembering the blessing of every day. Continuing this journey.

446. time. time to spend with Him, with family, with others
447. the snow covered lawn
448. a cozy fire to warm up to
449. a big pot of chili welcoming my husband home on a cold evening
450. Bonhoeffer. this book is touching me in such a way!
451. "As long as we let the word be our armor, we can look confidently to the future." Bonhoeffer
452. true friendship
453. a fellowship that just wants to meet with God and to be His hands
454. a girl in Jaiden's class. we were told "she just woke up and took off." dismissed from the autism unit.
455. laughing with my husband
456. watching an almost 4 year old with cowboy hat and stick horse, yelling "yee-haw!"
457. watching my boy and husband play a game together
458. daffodils peeking up out of the cold dirt
459.boys making Valentines
460. this song:

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I think I may take a page out of your book and do the occasional blog post that just lists the things I am thankful for. You are such an inspiration Jeana. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your recent prayers for the special needs ministry.


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